Saturday, July 14, 2007

and again

I tried to take a picture of a website today, but couldn't quite get that to work out. So instead, I'm going to copy here an e-mail related to the website that I sent out to some peeps today. I know it's not really a photo per se...but you're just going to have to get over that now, aren't you? :-P

So I went to this morning to look up some info on some candidates and to get an overview of just how many were running.

Right now, there are 116 people who have announced their candidacy for president and they range from Hilary Clinton to John McCain to Ole' Savior (a 58-year-old single man in Minnesota who affiliates with the Democrat/Farmer/Labor party, who is a writer and artisit, and whose political experience includes running for president in '04 and several congressional seats over the course of the '80s and '90s) to Jackson Kirk Grimes (Director/CEO of the United Facist Union, an actor and member of SAG, who got his GED at age 40 and whose political experience includes running for president in '04 and being an Storm Trooper from '67-75 in the Facist Freedom Front). Did you know that Mr. Grimes even portrayed Adolf Hitler in a Star Trek episode?? What a nice way to combine his passion for acting and facism!! P.S. - He's based out of Maryland. ;-)

Then we have 19 candidates listed as "potential". These include Al Gore, Ralph Nader, Mark Warner...and Mary J. Ruwart of the Libertarian party. She's a professor of surgery at St. Louis University and her political experience includes a run for the Senate in '04 and an appointment to the Kalamazoo Public Safetey Task Force from '84-'86. She is also a board member of the Fully Informed Jury Association, and has been since 1994.

Finally, there are 4 candidates listed as "withdrawn". These include Evan Bayh, John Kerry and William Hobart Blakely (a Republican candidate from Ranlo, NC whose professional experience includes mailroom worker, dishwasher, cook, busboy...and owner of International Fishing Services from 1992-present and whose political experience includes running for City Council of Stanley, NC (1985), Mayor of Ranlo, NC ('93, and 2001) and U.S. President (2004)).

Ladies and gentlemen - I present to you American democracy at its finest. And I'm not even sure I mean that sarcastically.

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